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Submission information

The button below redirects you to the registration and submission site. During registration you may select from three presentation options:
(1) Oral or Poster presentation
(2) Poster presentation
(3) no presentation

Abstracts submitted under option (1) “Oral or Poster presentation” will undergo a review process, and a subset will be selected for oral presentations according to available time slots in the conference program. Those abstracts which are not selected for talks may still be presented as posters.

Abstract Structure
The abstract is submitted directly from the website, as a form with the following fields:

  1. Title: title of your abstract.
  2. Presenting Author: name of the main author presenting the work.
  3. Co-Authors: names of any additional authors involved in the work.
  4. Affiliations: affiliations or institutions associated with the authors.
  5. Text: abstract text, limited to a maximum of 300 words.
  6. Figure (optional): You may (optionally) include a figure to enhance the understanding of your abstract. Upload a 2MB PNG or JPEG file.
  7. Figure Caption (optional): If you include a figure with your abstract in step 6, please provide here a concise caption to explain the figure content.

Important Dates

Open Registration and SubmissionMay 10th
Submission Deadline (talk)June 23rd
Submission Deadline (poster)July 14th
Announcement of Selected Talksmid-July
Symposium StartAugust 28th 1:30pm
Symposium EndAugust 30th 4:30pm

* Please note that at the Registration & Submission Site the Oral or Poster presentation deadline is wrongly marked as June 30th. The correct deadline is June 23rd as stated in this website. We will correct this as soon as possible, thank you for your understanding.

Registration Fees

The registration fee includes the access to the scientific sessions and all meals at the conference venue (symposium dinner, lunch, coffee breaks, social event with drinks & snacks).

Registration TypeEarly Bird
(Payment by June 23rd)
Academic 1
Students, PhD candidates, Postdocs
250 EUR300 EUR
Academic 2
Group Leaders, Professors
300 EUR350 EUR
350 EUR400 EUR

Early Bird Discount
To receive the early bird discount, registration fees must be paid before the early bird deadline, June 23rd, 2023. The discount is based on the date of the payment, and not the registration date.

Registration Close
Registrations for the conference will close on August 14th, 2023.

Cancellation Policy
The cancellation fee is 50 EUR until August 15th, 2023.
From August 16th, 2023 on, no refund is possible.

Final Payment Deadline
All registration fees must be paid by credit card by August 21st, 2023 at the latest.

Childcare Grants

Childcare grants are available to cover the childcare expenses of participants or speakers. To determine which costs are eligible, please consult with us. The allocation of these grants is managed by the meeting coordinators and organizers and is subject to the overall budget.

If you have any applications or questions regarding the grants, please direct them to the meeting coordinator using the provided contact form.

The application deadline for Childcare Grants is July 15th, 2023.