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Detailed program Tuesday 30th August

Monday 29th, Tuesday 30th, Wednesday 31st

Tuesday 30th August

8h45-9h15 Invited : “Recent advances in PSF engineering” Yoav Shechtman

9h15-9h30 Selected abstract 7 : “Single-molecule emitter multiplexing via PSF-encoding of the emission and excitation spectra” Peter Dedecker

9h30-9h45 Selected abstract 8 : “Enabling spectrally resolved single-molecule localization microscopy at high emitter densities” Johannes Hohlbein

9h45-10h00 Selected abstract 9 : “Single-Molecule Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Using Wide-Field and Confocal-Laser Scanning Microscopy: a Comparative Analysis” Roman Tsukanov

10h00-10h15 Selected abstract 10 : “Fast and robust multicolor SMLM with a dual-path module for DNA-PAINT and STORM”  Karoline Friedl

10h15-10h30 Selected abstract 11 : “Single Molecule Flux-Demixing ” Surabhi Sreenivas

10h30-11h00 coffee break

11h00-11h30 Invited “Nanofluidics-seeing is beliving” Aleksandra Radenovic

11h30-11h45 Selected abstract 12 : “Imaging single molecules on nanoparticles: exploiting PSF deformations for precise localization” Teun Huijben

11h45-12h00 Selected abstract 13 : “Single-defect localization microscopy reveals nanoscale molecular dynamics and order of liquids at 2D interfaces” Nathan Ronceray

12h00-12h15 Selected abstract 14 : “Enlightening microgel structure and internal environment with single molecule localization microscopy” Dominique Wöll


12h15-14h00 lunch


14h00-14h30 Invited :“Quantitative SMLMS in 2 and 3 dimensions” Jean-Baptiste Sibarita

14h30-15h00 Invited : “Open-technology for Super-Resolution and Machine-Learning enabled Live-Cell BioImaging” Ricardo Henriques

15h00-15h15 Selected abstract 15 : “A novel similarity score for SMLM point clouds allows nanoscale architecture phenotyping”  Dylan Owen

15h15-15h30 Selected abstract 16 : “DBlink  : Visualizing dynamic localization microscopy data in super spatiotemporal resolution via deep learning”  Along Saguy

15h30-15h45 Selected abstract 17 : “Event-based sensor for fast and dense single molecule localization microscopy” Clément Cabriel “


15h45-16h30 coffee break


16h30-17h00 Invited :“Metal and Graphene Induced Energy Transfer Imaging” Jörg Enderlein

17h00-17h30 Invited : “smFLIM of plasmonic and dielectric nanostructures : where biophysics meets nanophotonics “  Valentina Krachmalnicoff

17h30-18h30 Keynote : “Patterns within the dynamic organization of division” Suliana Manley

19h 00 : Depart from Institut Langevin for the conference dinner (by walk)

19h15 :  Group photo

19h30 – 23h30 : Conference dinner