Monday 29th, Tuesday 30th, Wednesday 31st
8h45-9h15 Invited “MINFLUX reveals stepping motion of kinesin in living cells” Jonas Ries
9h15-9h30 Selected abstract 18 : “Scanners, Modelling and Probes for MINFLUX” Francesco Balzarotti
9h30-9h45 S Selected abstract 19 : “Single-molecule localization with molecular-scale precision by raster scanning a minimum of light” Luciano A. Masullo
9h45-10h00 Selected 20 : “Single-molecule localization microscopy with structured illumination and detection” Andrea Bucci
10h00-10h30 Invited : “Ultrasound localization microscopy” Mathieu Pernot
10h30-11h00 coffee break
11h00-11h30 Invited “Visualizing cellular life: From single cell imaging to in vivo single-molecule biochemistry and (micro-)biology ” Ulrike Endesfelder
11h30-12h00 Invited “The functional nano-architecture of axonal actin”, Christophe Leterrier
12h00-14h00 lunch
14h00-14h15 Selected abstract 21 : “Visualizing arcRNA conformation in cells with optical super-resolution microscopy” Laurell Kessler
14h15-14h30 Selected abstract 22 : “Genomic SMLM: challenges and strategies” Sarah Aufmkolk
14h30-14h45 Selected abstract 23 : “Superresolution microscopy reveals partial preassembly and subsequent bending of the clathrin coat during endocytosis” Aline Tschanz
14h45-15h00 Selected 24 : “Single molecule counting of neurotransmitter receptors at synapses in the native spinal cord” Christian Specht
15h00-15h15 Selected 25 : “resPAINT: Accelerating Volumetric Super-resolution Localisation Microscopy by Active Control of Probe Emission”, Edward W Sanders
15h15-15h30 Selectd 26 : “ShareLoc – an open platform for sharing localization microscopy data“, Jiachuan Bai
15h30 Poster prizes, closing remarks
16h00 End